Copyrights held by SkullCityStudios
Album art
so far all album art work has been done by none other than me. if you would like to see more of my art work check out my DeviantArt page
on the left we have my debut album Testing The Waters which was an electronica album.

​Then on the right we have Digital Rebellion which was a Digital Hardcore album
Next on the left we have Manic Mana which was a indietronica album

and on the right we have I want Candy (sex sells) my dubstep album​​
here we have im fine (easter egg, look at it upside down) my first "screamo" album which is also the first album to have full lyrics 
This album is one of my personal favourites Flash Back is a dubstep album and probably my best album so far
Haunted Castles was a weird experimental "gothic" album that i did 
Cartoon Character 
So this was the first iteration of RedCapeMan just a cheesy little clip art type thing
Then i changed it up a little made it kinda more personalized added a back ground and a "face" that was inspired by the Madness series   
So the third version of RedCapeMan was a halloween special,he kept the face from before but lost the stick figure body in place of a more ghost like body he grew hair that is a bite of a messy emo like style his cape is more ragged and overall has a more superhero like appearance  
His next appearance he has gone 8-bit and lost all previous features and has a full body and face 
So after creating his first 8-bit version that then led to the creation of the many 8-bit RCM superhero squad 
So after the whole 8-bit mess we return to some normalcy and we have are first full drawn RedCapeMan with face and body not the best but it works